Diving Into the Deep End

Hello world! Welcome to my little corner of the internet. I hope this becomes a place where you can connect with myself and other peeps from across the globe.

I’m Erica.

Me and Gideon, my red, minature poodle at our favorite place. My hair is a little crazy, but my eyes are at least looking in the right direction. Real life.

Over time you’ll hear all about my life and the crazy, wonderous ride of my life experiences. I’ll probably over-share at some point and piss off a few people. I’ve always wanted to be a writer and have started many different writing projects, blogs, social media sites and even a Tumblr. Remember Tumblr?!!? – okay, I know it’s still around, but I haven’t really heard much about it in the past several (plus some) years and it’s possible I’m just out of the loop…nope, we should definitely safely assume I’m out of the loop.

For the past 7 years I was working with (maybe for is a more accurate representation?) a family member to help build up their buisness. I worked that buisness like it was my own and put my own dreams, wants, and desires to the side. A few things changed in the past year (I’ll get into more details in future posts, I promise) and I’ve been re-learning or feeling the need to try and figure out who I am again after I stopped working at that job.

What you can expect from me and this site (as of now and so far):

  • raw honesty  (mostly for myself so that I can face my fears and build a life that I am proud of every day)
  • sharing my messy, but beautifully imperfect self (see pic above…aw jeez, that hair and there was probably a spill or stain on that shirt that you just can’t see…every damn day lately . What’s frustrating is that I was doing so, so good about not spilling on myself (for what felt like forever, but was probably just a year or less…oh well!))
  • humor (if you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?)
  • pictures of the cutest dog on the planet – this is not me being funny or modest, see first bullet point
  • reflections on my journey to this point and anything going forward
  • (lots of asides, I can’t help myself I just love them and they sort of go with the way I tell stories in person, I think you’ll come to love them as well )
  • topics I’m planning to touch on are: my life all encompassing, dating, friendships, books I’m reading and what I get out of them, knitting or crafting projects I’m working on, maybe some recipes (I went to culinary school, but am no longer active in that industry), and trying to navigate life into the future that I’ve always dreamt of and haven’t had the gumption to seriously go after
  • some of my old posts from previous attempts at this whole writing thing

We all have the shared experience of 2020 that binds us together as people who’ve suffered trauma (hello pandemic). Everyone’s expereinces are theirs and not the same as anyone else’s. At the same time some experiences evoke feelings that others have also gone through and, for myself, I have felt very alone and isolated well before this pandemic. By sharing my journey it’s my hope that I can reach even one person so that they feel less alone and isolated. I recently came across a speach given by Neil Gaiman where he said two things that really resonated with me:

“Good stories should change you.”

“If stories don’t change, they die.”